“Let’s Stay Strong and Stay Together”: From China to Chelmsford

“Let’s Stay Strong and Stay Together”: From China to Chelmsford

LifeLinks CLASS was overjoyed to receive a donation of 400 masks this week from the East Garden Church in Beijing, China, and house church in Wenzhou, China.

As we work diligently to procure highly sought after personal protective equipment (PPE), donations like these are critical to ensure the health and safety of essential direct support professionals and the individuals in the community who they support.

The donation was arranged by Bill Haddad, a member of the LifeLinks CLASS board of directors who has been actively involved in the organization.

“Every little bit counts, and when I heard that the church was looking to donate masks to worthy organizations I was pleased to connect them to LifeLinks CLASS,” says Haddad. “The team is doing tremendous work under extraordinary circumstances.”

LifeLinks CLASS also worked to procure a shipment of PPE that arrived this week, and staff in Chelmsford facilitated the distribution of supplies to other human services agencies in the state.

“It’s wonderful to see the community support each other during our time of need,” commented CEO Jean Phelps. “One of the core LifeLinks CLASS values is community, and it’s wonderful to see our staff and Board members modeling that value.”

Virtual Event Calendar

Virtual Event Calendar

Through collaborations with trusted community partners, our Family Support Center is organizing a variety of virtual events. that touch on health, wellness and performing arts. The events are open to the community and we encourage everyone to join. In addition to virtual events, our family support specialists are rounding up activities that you can take advantage of at home — click here to read more.

Our Day Habilitation and Clinical teams are also organizing events that are open to those in the Day Program and Family Support service portfolio. Our goal is to support you and your loved ones as best we can through this Coronavirus outbreak.

Click here for the most recent list of available events.

LifeLinks CLASS Notes: Supporting Each Other

To the LifeLinks CLASS community,

Like all of you, my world has been turned upside down over these past few weeks in ways I never imagined. One of the absolute best parts of my job are the constant reminders of love and support I get to observe every day across our programs. I can’t wait to get back to that daily occurrence, but for now, we’re all adapting.

Face-to-face interactions that are at the heart of everything we do at LifeLinks CLASS are being replaced by technology where possible. We’re hosting virtual events. Conducting virtual check-ins. Even the COVID-19 daily task force meetings are held virtually.

We know it’s difficult for everyone. In fact, family support center coordinator Eileen Lee recently told her story to the Washington Post – a powerful reminder to the country at large that caregivers in our community are facing difficult choices the likes of which they never imagined. Eileen has always been a fierce advocate for the people we serve. It’s a powerful story that I encourage you all to read and share!

But amidst the ordeal, I want to point out something that fills me with joy! And that’s the dedication of the direct support professionals at LifeLinks CLASS who are working feverishly every day for the people we serve! It truly is an honor and a privilege to be a part of a fiercely dedicated team that makes a difference in the lives of so many – and supports each other in the most challenging times.

I am in awe of the selfless acts of kindness that have become the norm over these past few weeks. Let me share a few examples with you:

  • Day program staff are volunteering to work shifts at our group homes across the region.
  • The residential staff put on a wonderful birthday party for one of our group home residents, filming the festivities to create a memorable family celebration.
  • The finance team, thanks to the herculean efforts of Sasha Ayala, have been able to procure sorely needed PPE for our direct care staff.
  • Day program and clinical staff are sharing virtual activities and sending packets of recommended activities to group homes and to homes of individuals whose day programs are suspended.
  • The award-winning Strive2Thrive program is engaging participants in the creation of a virtual calendar of events that keep mentors connected with their ASD-No ID mentees.
  • Our nurses, under the leadership of Alicia Mordach, have gone above and beyond in providing care for those who need it, where they need it, under challenging circumstances. Including training staff on the proper uses of PPE and assertively monitoring the medical care of all of our individuals for who a doctor’s office visit would pose a risk right now.
  • The facilities team has been keeping the supply chain at group homes uninterrupted and they have even converted space at Omni Way to be used as a quarantine center in case of emergency.
  • The students at Merrimack College who work with us as part of the New Balance Healthy Balance program have stepped up, creating a YouTube channel for participants in the program to stay active and connected.

We’re working very hard to support our staff and to provide them with the resources they need to provide for your loved ones and keep them safe and healthy during this unprecedented moment in time. We are learning and changing how we operate in order to keep everyone safe while maintaining some sense of routine and regularity in order to install confidence and ally fears. It is a challenge, but one we have taken on wholeheartedly.

We will continue to keep you updated and engaged as we manage through this. And let’s continue to do our part to flatten the curve. Follow the CDC guidelines. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands. And know that your LifeLinks CLASS team is here for you. Now, and always.

With best wishes for your health and safety,

Jean M. Phelps, CEO


“A time of unprecedented fear for parents of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities”

“A time of unprecedented fear for parents of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities”

Story by Caitlin Gibson from The Washington Post

Our very own Eileen Lee, who is part of the LifeLinks CLASS Family Support Center team as a Medically Complex Children’s Coordinator, was featured in an incredible story by The Washington Post!

“Eileen Lee, a service coordinator for the LifeLinks Class Family Support Center in Massachusetts, an affiliated chapter of The Arc, has had similar struggles with her 32-year-old son Michael, who has a severely compromised immune system and an intellectual disability. Michael is now homebound with Eileen, 65, and her 71-year-old husband; Michael’s usual routine — the day program that allows him to work at a company where he inventories and refurbishes old electronics; the volunteer outings at local fire stations — has been halted for the foreseeable future.

“Everything has come to a stop. There is just no place for him to go,” Eileen said. It’s not even safe for Michael to go to Tufts Medical Center, where he receives weekly infusions to support his immune system. Now, a nurse will come to their home, Eileen said, and she worries about even that level of exposure.

“We are taking this so seriously, because if this disease goes to Michael’s lungs —” she paused. “He’s a goner. There’s no getting around it, and it’s so frightening.”

In the midst of the deepening crisis, and reports that overwhelmed hospitals may ultimately be forced to ration care — potentially prioritizing patients who are deemed most likely to survive — parents like Eileen and Lisa are left to consider what that might mean for their children.”

Read the full story here. 

Michael Lee, left, with his parents, Eileen and Philip. Photo courtesy of The Washington Post.