Q & A with CEO Jean Phelps

Q & A with CEO Jean Phelps

Dear LifeLinks CLASS Family:

New strategic plan. New culture statement. New brand. New group homes. New virtual programs. You notice a theme here? So I thought, why not try a new format for my monthly message to all of you! So I asked Dan to facilitate a little Q&A session where I was able to touch on many of the questions I’ve received in the past few weeks.



Now, believe it or not, there are some of you out there who don’t have the time or inclination to watch to me talk for 20 minutes! (Shocking, I know!) So if any topic is of particular interest to you, feel free to watch in three-minute increments below:

Hopefully, you’re still with me! I’d love to hear from you now…do you prefer this type of communication? Are there questions you have for me? Are there others in the organization you want to hear from? We have a big year ahead of us, and our ability to work together for the people we support will be the key to maximizing our impact.

Remember, we’re all care champions – even me, the least valuable employee! ? And we’re all working #ForEachOther to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.

Keep it up!


Jean M. Phelps, CEO

LifeLinks CLASS Partners with Fallon Health to Host COVID-19 Testing Site

LifeLinks CLASS Partners with Fallon Health to Host COVID-19 Testing Site

LifeLinks CLASS partnered with Fallon Health last Friday, August 21 to host a pop-up COVID-19 testing site at our main office in Chelmsford. This was one of the largest testings that Fallon has completed to date, with nearly 400 participants.

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has various area offices located across Massachusetts. Individuals who receive services under DDS were encouraged to register for the testing, as well as the staff who work for human services agencies in this region. LifeLinks CLASS Care Champions took the lead on getting tested #ForEachother in order to ensure the continued safety of everyone we support.

A big thank you to our Care Champions, Stacie and Melanie, for coordinating this pop-up!

No worries if you missed this opportunity — there will be an additional seven pop-up testing sites in the near future! The details on dates and locations will be available at a later date.