Independent Living

The Individual Support Services (ISS) program provides supports for adults with developmental disabilities to live independently in the Greater Lowell area.

Our team supports nearly 50 mild to moderately developmentally disabled adults who live in their own apartments or with a roommate in the Greater Lowell area. Services are available 7 days a week and can range from as few as 2 hours per month to as many as 2 hours per day depending on the level of need.

Program Highlights

Skill Building

Case management staff provide individuals with valuable assistance and training on decision making, shopping, meal preparation, homemaking, money management, social skills, use of public transportation and the planning of leisure activities.

Support Services

Case managers coordinate and monitor medical and dental care, oversee benefit plans (Mass Health, fuel assistance, housing subsidies) and act as liaisons with an individual’s employer, if necessary.

Important Note

Families and individuals over the age of 22 who are interested in the Incompass Independent Living Program must be referred by DDS.

Get in touch with us.

Call 978-349-3019 to learn more about living independently with support from Incompass.