Today was an exciting day at Omni Way, as we welcomed participants to the first-ever Incompass Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Community Center. The ABI Community Center seeks to empower participants to maximize their level of independence, self-confidence, and dignity so they can experience full lives in their communities.
Incompass staff enjoyed coffee and breakfast with participants and their families before moving into the main room for more formal introductions. Heather Mantell, Assistant Director of Family & Community Services, is acting as an interim program manager until we welcome our newest care champion, Stephanie, in June.
The Center is still in its development phase as far as the activity schedule, but there was a strong emphasis on self-advocacy during the orientation. More than anything, we want the folks joining us from the ABI community to shape the Center into a place that will meet their unique needs.
A full continuum of community-based supports will be accessible to participants, comprised of skilled clinicians and care champions that serve on an interdisciplinary treatment team. Staff will encourage participation in the Center’s operations through a variety of work units such as:
- Administration
- Governance
- Programming
- Maintenance of physical site
- Food service
- Human Resources
- Center development
We look forward to what the future holds for this new group joining us. Welcome to Incompass!